Starker lands are open for public recreation. Permits available at the office.


The Oregon Forest Resources Institute
The Oregon Forest Resources Institute is our go-to organization for information about forests and forestry facts in Oregon. The Oregon Legislature created the Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) in 1991 to improve public understanding of the state’s forest resources and to encourage environmentally sound forest management through training and other educational programs for forest landowners. OFRI is funded by a dedicated harvest tax on forest products producers.

The World Forestry Center in Portland
Oregon has a mission to educate and inform people about the world’s forests and trees, and their importance to all life, in order to promote a balanced and sustainable future.

The Oregon Natural Resources Education Program
The Oregon Natural Resources Education Program has been a leader in providing professional development programs for K – 16 educators since its inception in the mid-1980s.

The Oregon State University College of Forestry
The Oregon State University College of Forestry is a world leader in teaching and learning about forests.

Common Trees of the Pacific Northwest
Common Trees of the Pacific Northwest will help you identify common trees of our region.

Advocacy & Certifications

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative is a voluntary third-party forest certification system that began in the 1990s in response to market concerns about forest management and illegal logging, primarily in developing countries.

Oregon Tree Farm System
The Oregon Tree Farm System promotes the conservation and growing of forest resources in a sustainable manner on Family Forests.

Oregon Department of Forestry
The Oregon Department of Forestry administers the Oregon Forests Practices Act. Landowners work closely with ODF in matters related to forest management, harvesting, water quality and wildfire.

Oregon Forest Industries Council
The Oregon Forest Industries Council is a trade association representing more than 50 Oregon forestland owners and forest products manufacturing-related firms. Its members own more than 90% of Oregon’s private large-owner forestland base.

For Professional Foresters

The Society of American Foresters
The Society of American Foresters is the professional organization of foresters in Oregon and around the nation. All of the foresters at Starker Forests are members of the Society of American Foresters.
Society of American Foresters – Northwest Region


American Forest & Paper Association
The American Forest & Paper Association is the national trade association of the forest products industry.

For Landowners

National Alliance of Forest Owners
The National Alliance of Forest Owners protects and enhances the economic and environmental values of privately-owned forests through targeted policy advocacy at the national level.

Forest Landowner Association, Inc.
The Forest Landowner Association, Inc., has provided its members, who own and operate more than 40 million acres of forestland in 48 states, with education, information, and national grassroots advocacy, which enables them to sustain their forestlands across generations.

American Tree Farm System
The American Tree Farm System is a network of more than 95,000 woodland owners sustainably managing 26 million acres of forestland.

Oregon Small Woodlands Association
The Oregon Small Woodlands Association represents small woodland owners in Oregon who own between 1 and 5,000 acres of land with trees growing on their property.