Natalie cruising taller timber.
This week, Fred and Lys started us on a new project that hasn’t been done with the Starker interns before. They’ve had us going into stands that are about 20 years old to cruise and collect data so that we can compare it to the growth model created after these stands were thinned a few years ago. So far, it’s been great practice for getting heights, since stands around this age have a lot of crown cover.

Road clearing in Soap Creek.
It’s also been fun to see the data we collect be compiled and used to make real forest management decisions. Fred and Lys talk to us after each stand data set is compiled to get our thoughts on the stand as well, potentially helping them make the choice of what to do with each stand moving forward. It feels rewarding to see our hard work actively have an effect on Starker’s management decisions.
On Friday, we were all sent back to Soap Creek to finally finish up brushing and clearing the roads that got all clogged up from recent storms. It seems everyone is becoming more comfortable using saws in the field and working as a team has gotten much better as well.
I feel proud of us to say the least.
– Nic Haye